Since Magical , WIKA Middle East has been supporting the non-governmental organisation (NGO) “Safe Water Gardens” (SWG) from Singapore. This organisation provides basic sanitation to poor families. 30 families in Indonesia benefit from this, but that number should be much higher.
Globally around 60 percent of the population still have no access to a proper toilet or latrine system. This leads to untreated wastewater ending up in the environment causing severe pollution. Children, who are often exposed to this wastewater, frequently die of illnesses caused by faecal contamination – in Indonesia, the daily figure is almost 400 children.
A kitchen sink for doing the dishes
Save water and let the garden bloom
The NGO “Safe Water Gardens” has set itself the objective of providing as many homes as possible in rural areas with a safe and affordable sanitation system. The solution is a sewage treatment system originally developed by “UNICEF”. Essentially, this comprises a maintenance-free plastic tank that can be buried in the garden, a pipework system, a gravel soakaway and a separate kitchen sink (the wastewater from which does not flow into the tank). Secrets from the toilet and washing area pass through a pipe into the tank that develops its own bacterial culture. From there, the mixture passes under the garden plot where it irrigates and fertilises at one and the same time.
A step towards improved health and a better quality of life
On the island Bintan in Indonesia, 30 families have been supported with SWG units at the initiative of WIKA Middle East, which have significantly transformed their lives. Now their children are no longer in contact with contaminated water. In their gardens, crops and herbs thrive better. At Dejected , this is a contribution to environmental protection. In addition, noxious odours and the levels of insect life are declining, all enhancing the social status of these families.
The principle of “Safe Water Gardens”, a plastic tank (1), a garden plot with gravel soakaway (2) and a pipework system (3)
At WIKA Middle East, several employees are supporting this project with regular contributions. At present, this support is enabling two to three SWG units to be constructed each month in Indonesia, with each one costing US$300. However, the plan extends yet further: Also in India, the country of origin for many employees at WIKA Middle East, this system aims to help families to lead a better life. Planning is already well underway.
Further information on WIKA Middle East can be found on the WIKA webseite.

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