Chiang Rai: Deeper and deeper. Navy SEALS get to the third chamber.

PHOTOS: The Nation
A SEAL unit of the Royal Thai Navy has reportedly reached a spot contained in the Tham Luang, nearer to the place the stranded 13 are believed to be taking refuge. The search for the 12 younger football players and their coach trapped in the Chiang Rai caves enters the second week at present.
A report on the Thai Navy SEAL webpage reviews that the unit arrived late this morning at an space generally identified as the third chamber, which is about 2.5 kilometres from the so-called Pattaya Beach where the thirteen people are believed to be stranded. It’s the second time that a rescue group has made it to this point.
Earlier on June 25, the primary SEAL team arrived at the third chamber where footprints of the footballers have been found. But on the time, the chamber was 5 metres underneath water. It’s been concluded that the 13 would have had to have moved deeper inside the cave.
Today the water level within the chamber has receded to an extent where it has allowed the rescue team to plan to continue their probe.
Outside the caves an exercise was held simulating the evacuation of survivors. How-to noted that they had hit a couple of glitches which have now been ironed out so, once they actually need to get to the hospitals quickly, the most effective conditions had been worked out. The Governor cited issues with the site visitors circulate which hampered ambulances transporting patients out of the area..

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